Hello friends and family

Welcome to our blog! We, the first residents of Bethany Presbyterian House of Hospitality in Trenton, New Jersey are excited to share our lives with you through this blog as we build our intentional Christian community. The four of us come from different walks of life and faith, and already we are learning from each other. We are grateful for the opportunity to be part of Bethany House and hope that the coming year will be one of great personal and communal growth.

We especially look forward to having a meaningful dialogue with you, our friends and family. At first we’ll be going back in time to detail our beginning, but soon we’ll be posting in real time. Please feel free to ask questions if there is anything in particular that you would like to know about Bethany House; we can’t promise to answer every question but will try to do our best.

On faith and Service…

This paper examines the connection between faith and service, specifically targeting why people of faith are so much more inclined to serve than those not of faith.

Why do you think this is the case? Is it because scripture compels people to serve? Is it because the type of person who opens their heart to god are wired that way? Is it because the opportunities are laid out more clearly through the organization of the church?

Please share your thoughts, your input is greatly valued and we hope to have a conversation with depth.

Open House!!!

Over 100 Attended the Open House for Bethany Presbyterian House of Hospitality & Bethany Food Pantry

Sponsored by UMC & The Crisis Ministry of Princeton & Trenton

UMC is grateful for the overwhelming support of New Brunswick Presbytery & Sibling Churches  We especially thank:

Regional Executive Presbyter of New Brunswick and Monmouth Presbyteries, Rev. Wendy Bailey
Vice Moderator of NBP, Jean Woodman
The 10 Presbyterian churches represented!!!
Community Church of Sand Hills
Dutch Neck
Hamilton Square
Lawrence Rd.

And the joyful and tearful members and friends of the former Bethany Presbyterian Church.

Friends and Family at the Open House