Interfaith Gathering of Thanks

This past Monday night, we had the privilege to share some food, drink, and traditions with some friends. We opened up the house and invited people to come by and join us in sharing how we express our gratitude. House friend Wayne Meisel provided some entertainment, with a viewing of a Charlie Brown Christmas and an insightful rendition of silent night by Simon and Garfunkel juxtaposed with the Evening News at the time. If you are interest in chiming in to the conversation that took place at the gathering of thanks, please, click on over to Discussions and Dinner.


Westminster Presbyterian Live Nativity

This past weekend, Westminster Presbyterian hosted their 6th annual live nativity. The event brought together people from throughout Trenton in a moment of thanks, prayer and community. It was attended by over 100 people and by all measures was a success. We already can’t wait until next year!!!!