November 4, 2011 – Orientation Dinner

On Friday, November 4, 2011, we had our orientation dinner with Pastors Karen and Nina.  We had delicious beef stew (made by Jim, who was “voluntold”) for dinner and pie a la mode for dessert.  Then we went over our Enneagrams (personality types) from the on-line tests that we had taken before the dinner.

In case you’re interested, here are our types:

Amy – Type 5 (investigator)
Elizabeth – Type 2 (helper), Type 4 (individualist), Type 9 (peacemaker)
Erin – Type 2 (helper), Type 6 (loyalist)
Jamie – Type 1 (reformer), Type 4 (individualist), Type 6 (loyalist)

Discussing our Enneagrams was a good way for us to learn more about each other; some of us thought that our types were accurate, but others did not.  It was helpful to have a baseline for understanding and appreciating our different perspectives.

Then we went over guidelines from the Cousins Foundation for constructing our community covenant.  We talked about aspects of community life such as security, food and drink, and daily chores.  After the pastors left, the four of us started putting our covenant together (more to come).

2 thoughts on “November 4, 2011 – Orientation Dinner”

  1. Amy, is your Blog followers would like to see the Covenant is it possible to link it?
    I think it may inspire others to consider ways that they might create or join an Intentional Young Adult Community.
    Pastor Karen

What are your thoughts?