August and September in the Bethany House

I bet some people are wondering why I, Erin Murphy, one of the four founders of the house is still around, yet is not listed as a year two housemate. Well I am here to tell you just that 🙂

Being as my VISTA term is a year long and I started in November of 2011, I will be at the house until early November 2012, just about a month from now. I unfortunately was not able to extend my year of service to two years so I will be leaving Trenton at the end of my service so I was not able to stay on for a second year at The Bethany House. I am happy though, that my exit meant that 4 new housemates instead of just 3 were able to come into the house.

Now back to the original reason for this post. I just wanted to catch everyone up on what has been going on, in short, at the house the past 2 -ish months.

Here it is in bullet point form:

  • Jamie, Grant and Elizabeth left the house
  • Amy signed on for a second year
  • No Vespers were held during August to account for vacations and the transitions of the founding residents and new residents
  • The new roommates Kamran, Hera, Hannah, and Laura moved in around the middle of August.
  • Random bonding happened between the new roommates in the form of official trainings, intentional chats, housemate dinners, food shopping trips and late night discussions.
  • The first Official Thursday Vespers  occurred on September 13th, 2012 where they planted  Fall crops in the community garden and bonded.
  • The 2012-2013 residents were Commissioned on Sunday September 23rd, 2012 at a commissioning service at Westminster Church.

We look forward to having our house dinners just between us residents on Wednesdays and Vespers weekly on Thursdays.

Be Well.


Hannah Mehegan

Hometown: Pembroke, New Hampshire

Education: Roberts Wesleyan College BS in Adolescent Social Studies Education, Grade 5-12

Reason for Moving to Trenton: To live in community while using specific skills I have gained to serve the community

Fun Facts: I love to do things that make me feel more alive. I especially love being with others and bringing others joy as well as gardening, picking flowers and being in nature! One of my favorite things to do is sleep under the stars

Hera Mir

Hometown: Old Bridge, New Jersey

Education: Rutgers University-New Brunswick (Women & Gender Studies and
Middle Eastern Studies, 2012)

Reason for moving to Trenton: To serve as AmeriCorps Bonner VISTA Fellow at PEI Kids primarily focusing on educating adults about preventing childsexual abuse through engaging the college/university communities in Mercer  County.

Fun Fact: I enjoy art as hobby and  I have a huge oil painting in my room which has been unfinished for the past 6 years.

Kamran Hakiman

(Pictured: Kamran sitting in Cambodia in Angkor Wat, one of the man made wonders of the world)

Hometown: Memphis / Nashville, Tennessee

Education:Maryville College, Class of 2011 (Majors: Religion, Philosophy)

Reason for moving to Trenton:I’ve been living in Trenton for over a year now, and moved to serve at the Bonner Foundation, working with the NJ Community Networking Corps. Initiative. We try to connect the talents and skills of higher education to provide research and service to local organizations and coalitions.

Fun Facts: Starcraft II is a combination of chess and piano. Soccer is enjoyable, and Chipotle is the best chain restaurant I’ve encountered in my 23 years. Also, most people tie their shoes incorrectly.

Grant Wadley

Hometown: Edmond, OK
 Education: Texas A&M University—Class of 1998, Major: Psychology, Minor: Math; Princeton Theological Seminary—Class of 2010, M.Div.
 Reason for moving to Trenton: After graduating from Princeton Seminary, I have been teaching ethics, religious studies, and philosophy at Mercer County Community College. I believe that   living in Trenton for a time will make me a better ethics teacher.
 Fun fact(s): I worked as an accountant in Europe for several years after my undergraduate degree. I originally started seminary to be a marriage counselor (I have never been married.). I once placed second in a Princeton karaoke contest.

Jamie Hollerith


Hometown: Montville, NJ

Education: University of Vermont (BA Political Science, Economics 2009)

Reason for Moving to Trenton: To work on economic development projects that emphasize existing assets rather than focusing on needs

Fun Facts: I’ve been a ski instructor, played in international frisbee competition and successfully fought off a small bear in protection of children

Erin Murphy


Hometown: Rochester, New York

Education: The State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF ’10) in Syracuse, New York. I Graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Natural History and Interpretation.

Reason for Moving to Trenton: To serve as an Americorps VISTA Cities of Service member as a Service Coordinator at The College of New Jersey’s Bonner Center for Civic and Community Engagement.

Fun Facts: I am part of the international  co-ed service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega and a sister of Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority Incorporated. I also was a cast member at Disney World for 6 months,  I perform slam poetry, and in high school I co-wrote a jazz piece with world renowned jazz trumpetist Paul Smoker.

Elizabeth Newman


Hometown: Seveirville, Tennessee

Education: Maryville College, Class of 2011 (Major: Writing and Communications, Minor: History)

Reason for moving to Trenton: I relocated to Trenton to work as the urban education coordinator with Bonner Americorps. My primary function is to strengthen and support the after-school programs.

Fun Facts: Because I like to spend time outdoors, I’ve taken two rock climbing courses and volunteered for a backpacking trip as a mentor for at-risk youth. I like learning from others, cooking and the arts, particularly movies