Oh the things you’ll cook…

One of the benefits of having a beautiful community garden in your backyard is that it provides a plethora of inspiration in terms of cooking. Here are a few things I’ve tried:

Here is my first attempt: Rice and beans cooked with fresh tomato, onion, and swiss chard. Spinach on the side
Spaghetti and sauce with eggplant, spinach and cranberries on the side!
Corn chowder with fresh bread and cheese 🙂 one of my favorites
attempt to make my own pasta sauce! All fresh garden vegetables, onion, swiss chard, garlic, and peppers
Homemade banana oatmeal cookies.
Bean pot pie topped with wheat biscuits

It is true what Jacques Gusteau says in Ratatouille…anyone can cook!

Thanks to all who contributed to everything that is available to us from the Bethany Community garden…having the vegetables and herbs so fresh, organic, and easily available has been an incredible blessing to all of us 🙂

One thought on “Oh the things you’ll cook…”

  1. Mucha Gracias, Hannah for sharing these pictures and for blessing me with a bowl of your delicious corn chowder soup, bread, and banana cookies!!!

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