December 16, 2012 – Live Nativity

For the second year in a row, Bethany House residents volunteered at Westminster Presbyterian Church’s Live Nativity.  Rain kept us mostly indoors this time, but we still enjoyed making friendship bracelets and playing games with children while they waited to see Santa Claus (and had some cookies – including peanut butter ones baked by Hannah – and hot chocolate or apple cider as well!).  We heard beautiful songs from members of Westminster Presbyterian Church and all sang Silent Night (in English and Spanish) by candlelight at the end of our time together.




December 6, 2012 – Vespers Service

Today was a special Vespers Service because the residents cooked the meal and invited the facilitator – both for the first time.  Hera took the lead in preparing a vegan feast featuring butternut squash and chickpea salad, cilantro rice, Brussels sprouts, and salad greens from the Bethany House Community Garden.  Hannah baked bread and a two-layer vegan chocolate avocado cake.  We love vegan food here at Bethany House, and so did all of our guests!

Throughout the dinner we heard from Laura’s friend Taylor about her experience living in the Sojourners’ intentional community in Washington, D.C.  Taylor also shared about her work on racial reconciliation at Princeton Theological Seminary.


Season’s Greetings

This year, because of the traditions of my family, I wanted to bring a Christmas tree into the Bethany house. However, this year, I found myself thinking more deeply into why Christmas is celebrated.

It seems that Christmas has turned into a holiday that celebrates shopping, buying, and asking Santa for all the things a person could want.  However, I’ve decided that Christmas is intrinsically about much more than that.

In the United States people are often too busy to show that they love and care about each other throughout the year. People move far away from their families, rarely communicate, and even more rarely spend time together. Additionally, it can be said that the culture in the United States is highly materialistic, which also drives people further away from each other in search of material gain.

In contrast, Christmas is a season that specifically reminds us to show love to those we love. With the prevalence our materialistic lifestyle, sometimes a very common way that people in the U.S. give and receive love is through gifts. Love is also shown in this season through travelling great distances to be reunited with  families and close friends. Thus Christmas brings families together and encourages us to show our love through giving to each other.

Christmas is about the time when we remember to intentionally show love to each other, whether it is through gifts, cards, or taking time to be in community with each other.

So Merry Christmas, from me here at the Bethany House. I hope that this season brings you into a better understanding of love and joy, and through that joy I hope that you may spread peace and happiness to others. I hope also that you do not lose sight of the loving spirit of the season in all the stress and busyness that this season can bring.

“A cup of kindness that we share with another

A sweet reunion with a friend or a brother
In all the places you find love it feels like Christmas

It’s in the giving of a gift to another
A pair of mittens that were made by your mother
It’s all the ways that we show love that feel like Christmas

A part of childhood we’ll always remember
It is the summer of the soul in December
Yes, when you do your best for love it feels like Christmas”

-A Muppet Christmas Carol


Joyful Additions to the Bethany House

When I think about life at the Bethany House, I am reminded of the many sources of joy that are found there.

First, of course, are the people I am able to live with, grow with, and learn from, every single day.

Also, there is a very great live Christmas tree that Hera, Laura, and I cut down from a local Trenton tree farm.

Additionally, there is a kitten which we rescued from the local Trenton shelter. This kitten was named BooBoo because of the fact that she came to the shelter with so many scrapes, a broken toe, and a broken tail. One of our new favorite things to do is to both play and cuddle with this very friendly kitten.

If you ever catch a glimpse of what an average evening looks like at the Bethany House,  you will probably see us sitting by the tree, reading a book or newspaper, playing with a kitten, and simply enjoying being in each others presence.



Meet Boo, our kitten, who here is pictured as being quite cute in front of the Christmas tree.

November 29, 2012 – Vespers Service

Today’s Vespers Service was hosted by Covenant Presbyterian Church, a major supporter of Bethany House and the host of a Vespers Service in May 2012.  As it turned out, we had an all-female gathering (Kamran is out of the country).  First we enjoyed lasagna (with meatballs!), salad, garlic bread, and apple and cherry pie; many thanks to Harriet for cooking.  Then the Rev. Dr. Nancy Schluter led us as we reflected on Advent and how Christ has come, is risen, and will come again; we also shared Christmas memories.

We look forward to welcoming more friends to Bethany House during December 2012!