January 10, 2013 – Vespers Service

Happy New Year!

The commitment by Nassau Presbyterian Church and Westminster Presbyterian Church to host a Vespers Service every month means that we enjoy seeing some friends on a regular basis; tonight’s attendees included Dave P. and his son Dave, who have joined us before, as well as his daughter Kate, who joined us for the first time.  Dana D. also joined us.

We began with a feast from Trenton Kebab House to celebrate the new year (the labne – sour cream with walnuts, dill, and garlic – was especially delicious) and a cranberry-apple cake baked by Sheena.  Then the elder Dave led us in playing the Insights color game, which helped us learn more about our personalities.  (A simple version is available at www.insights.com.)  We also discussed Richard Rohr’s “cosmic egg” concept (which shows that “my story” of “just me” is a component of “our story” of “we are,” which is a component of “the story” of “what is”) and journaled about these stories.