Year One Welcome

Welcome to our Blog!! The dream of the  Bethany House of Hospitality was made a reality by the efforts of three Presbyterian Churches in the greater Trenton area; Westminster, Covenant and Lawrence Road. After much hard work and dedication, the doors opened to the House’s first four residents; Erin Murphy, Amy Chung, Elizabeth Newman and Jamie Hollerith (profiles to the right).

We are so excited about all that has happened here in our short time already and are excited about what’s on deck.

If you follow the Events tab, you will find postings on both past events as well as recaps of events hosted by the house or ones in which the house members participated.

In the Dinners and Discussions tab we will be sharing the content of our curriculum which consists of a weekly conversation about Faith and Service. Some of the topics that will be discussed include:

  • Social Justice: Looking at the issues of homelessness and affordable housing
  • Spiritual Practice: Practicing the discipline of making our work itself a prayer
  • Community Life: Exploring Stories from people in our lives from whom we have learned valuable lessons and reflecting on our own experiences in education.

As we post these topics, we encourage you to leave your thoughts here, to join the conversation. This tab is or most interactive and without your insight and perspective, these discussions won’t have the breadth and depth that is possible.

In the Testimonies tab, you will find stories of people who have found faith and service to be an incredible force in their lives.

In the Resident Stories tab, the housemates will be posting some of their experiences such as service trips to New Orleans, how god helped their transition to this city, or whatever they deem post-worthy. A good place to get to know them beyond the bios at the side.

Thanks for visiting the site and we hope 2012 has started well,

Amy, Erin, Elizabeth and Jamie

What are your thoughts?