Category Archives: Founding Year

Out and about in August

August was a month of transition at Bethany House – we said farewell to Jamie, Grant, and Elizabeth and welcomed Hera (with Hannah and Laura to join us in September).  The Community Garden continues to feed us well.

On Thursday, August 2, we went bowling (together!) at Slocum’s in Ewing for Jamie’s last outing.  Amy (a very bad bowler) and Jamie (a very good bowler) paired up against Elizabeth and Grant; Kamran offered moral support.  We split two games and then polished off two plates of Buffalo wings.

On Tuesday, August 14, Bethany House received a lot of furniture donated by a friend of Wayne.  Thank you – we are making good use of it!

On Wednesday, August 22, we had a party for Grant and Elizabeth, with trays of chicken, rice, and salad that Erin brought back from a Bonner training (perfect timing).  Bethany House was full of food and good conversation.

On Wednesday, August 29, we had another party for Elizabeth, who made pasta sauce with tomatoes from the garden and a very yummy chocolate cake.  Erin cooked eggplant (also from the garden!).  Our guests included Jamie, who noticed that the garden has grown a lot since he last saw it. After dinner we played a new board game called The Red Dragon Inn.

Endings and Beginnings

In case some of you do not know as I write at this moment the house has said goodbye to 3 residents, 2 of which were a part of the founding 4 members. Jamie, Grant and Elizabeth have all moved on to the next phases in their lives. Jamie has left the house and is living in north Jersey. Grant has moved to Boston to attend Harvard Seminary. Elizabeth, who just left this past Thursday, moved back to Tennessee where she is currently working. It has been very sad to see them go especially for myself and those at the house who have lived with them. We held a few small get-togethers over the past few weeks to celebrate their time here at Bethany House. Below I have shared some photos from those get-togethers. It feels weird still being here knowing that in 2 months I myself will be leaving Trenton and Bethany.

Elizabeth Cooking food for her goodbye dinner
Amy and Elizabeth playing intensely during a game after Elizabeth’s going away dinner
Erin’s last photo with Elizabeth, as housemates, moments before she left Trenton. (pictured L to R; Erin, Elizabeth, and Kamran)

The new members of the house have all officially moved in as of today. It is so exciting to invite these new housemates into a space of great struggle and happiness for me. I wish I could put into words how much my time here in Trenton has changed me, both influenced by this house and very much so by the work I have been involved in around Trenton.

I miss all my former house mates very much but I cannot wait to see how the house changes with the new members of the Bethany House family. Please keep an outlook for new materials on this blog as we will be updating it with the info on the new members as well as blog posts from them about their first few weeks here in Bethany HOH.

I look forward to what the next few months will bring me as I start winding down my time here in Trenton.


Out and about in July

We’ve been eating so well from the Bethany House of Hospitality Community Garden – basil, cucumbers, eggplant, peppers, Swiss chard, red (and yellow!) tomatoes, and more to come.

On Monday, July 2, we went on a tour of Trenton, starting at South Riverwalk Park and finishing at Trenton Social.

On Monday, July 9, our Vespers Service was on motivations for service.  We read “The Limits of Charity,” by David Hilfiker, who asked whether “our works of charity impede the realization of justice in our society” because they do “little to change the wider social and political systems that sustain injustice.”  We also read “Letter to a Young Activist,” by Thomas Merton, who advised that we should “not depend on the hope of results” but rather hope “in God, who is making something good out of [what we do] in some way we cannot see.”

On Wednesday, July 18, Urban Mission Cabinet Inc. officially presented the Bethany House of Hospitality Community Garden.

On Monday, July 30, we had our last Vespers Service for the 2011-2012 term.  First we enjoyed salad and chili courtesy of Pastor Nina on the front porch; then we had a drumming session led by Linda.

July 2, 2012 – Vespers Service

After months of anticipation, we finally went on our Trenton tour!  We started at South Riverwalk Park (above the Route 29 tunnel), where we got the best tour possible from David Byars, the landscape architect who oversaw the park’s design when he worked for the New Jersey Department of Transportation.  The award-winning park relates Trenton’s history and its connection to the Delaware River in a context-specific way; we especially liked the plaza in the northern section with five sculptural arches of different materials representing various eras (e.g., lashed branches for the pre-Revolutionary era) and a timeline laid out in granite markers.  There is so much information about Trenton to learn at this park!

Next we drove up Route 29 to Cadwalader Park, which was green and beautiful.  We drove through Mill Hill on our way to another great meal at Trenton Social, where we celebrated Jamie’s birthday.

Out and about in June

June 2012 was when the Bethany House Community Garden really came to life.  Thanks to the efforts of many volunteers in April and May, the garden was off to a great start.  During the first weekend in June, master carpenters from the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville’s Men’s Group built the final cedar raised beds and then Pastor Karen, Linda, David, Erin, and Elizabeth filled them with herbs and vegetables.  We harvested our first crop (basil) on Thursday, June 14 for some tomato sauce.

On Thursday, June 7, Nassau Presbyterian Church hosted our Vespers Service.

On Tuesday, June 12, Bethany House was featured during the Urban Mission Cabinet’s presentation at the Presbytery of New Brunswick’s Mission Fair.

On Monday, June 18, we had our first Vespers Service on Monday (we switched from Thursday due to scheduling issues).  We shared how God speaks to us.  On Monday, June 25, we discussed our need for sabbaths.

Please join us on Wednesday, July 18 from 5 PM to 7 PM for the official unveiling of the Bethany House Community Garden!

Out and about in May

We welcomed many new friends at Bethany House this month, starting with a Cinco de Mayo party on Saturday, May 5.

On Thursday, May 17, Covenant Presbyterian Church hosted our Vespers Service.

On Saturday, May 19, we helped with the rest stop for the 2012 Trenton Bike Tour.

On Thursday, May 24, Dutch Neck Presbyterian Church hosted our Vespers Service. 

Last, but not least, Grant Wadley joined us as the newest resident of Bethany House!

June 7th – Nassau Presbyterian Church

We had the pleasure of having many members of Nassau Presbyterian Church join us Thursday for a tour of the house, a tour of the new garden and Dinner (Which one of their members GRACIOUSLY prepared).

I never leave feeling lacking in anyways, physically or emotionally, after Vespers.

Myself and Amy were the only residents in attendance as Jamie, and Elizabeth were in Tennessee at the national conference and Grant teaches at Mercer County Community College every Tuesday and Thursday. We were very happy to represent all the residents at this dinner. It was quite amazing to be able to show Nassau Presbyterian Church around the house as they were a major part of making this house happen.

Amy and I shared our stories about how we found our selves to be in Trenton and at Bethany. We were very happy to answer their questions and get to know everyone there. We very much hope they come back again and continue to play a role in the lives of the residents of Bethany House. I personally was asked to come and talk to their Youth Group regarding my experience as an  Americorps/VISTA, WHICH I LOVE TO DO.

Thank You again to Nassau Presbyterian Church for taking the time to come out on Thursday and spend sometime with us at The Bethany House.
